Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture


June 1, 2023

IICA attends massive congress of corn and sorghum farmers in Argentina, where farmers are hailing the bioeconomy as an extraordinary opportunity for development Ā 

Approximately 2,000 persons attended the event, including producers, researchers and various stakeholders from the agrifood value chain.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

Marie-Claude Bibeau, Canadian Minister of Agriculture and Agri-food and Ɓlvaro Lario, President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), at the workshop.

May 31, 2023

The Canadian Government, IFAD and IICA are warning that the climate crisis makes greater funding for science and innovation in agriculture critical to guarantee global food security

The event sought to promote family farming and climate-resilient production in the Americas, stressing that progress in achieving zero hunger will depend on placing the focus on family farmers, who are the sector most vulnerable to climate change.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


May 31, 2023

At IICA, during Digital Agriculture Week, countries in the Americas shared their strategies for promoting innovation and the use of new technologies in rural areas

During the panel discussion on ā€œAgrifood Digitization: Initiatives and public policies in countries in the Americas,ā€ which took place during the second edition of Digital Agriculture Week, representatives of various governments gave details of the programs they are implementing across the continent.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


May 30, 2023

Digital Agriculture week opened with an appeal to place new technologies in the hands of all players in the Latin American and Caribbean rural sector

Digital Agriculture Week is a discussion forum, but even more so a forum for collective action, aiming to spur dynamic and inclusive agrifood digitalization. It is part of a series of activities on priority areas in agrifood system transformation, which IICA is promoting to create a hemispheric partnership for food security and sustainable development.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


May 29, 2023

Latin American IPCC expert maintains that LAC climate change mitigation and adaptation actions must provide more rapid responses to protect vulnerable populations

The increase in heat waves, drought and flooding has already surpassed the tolerance thresholds of many species and these phenomena may be simultaneous, creating cascading effects that are increasingly difficult to control. These situations are exposing countries in the Americas to food and water insecurity.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

Imagen de WhatsApp 2023-05-25 a las 09

May 25, 2023

Latin American and Caribbean agricultural authorities and researchers highlight the use of bioinputs to boost agricultural productivity and sustainability in the region

IICA, the EU, IDB, FAO, FONTAGRO and AGRO-INNOVA organized a forum in Panama to discuss opportunities for bioinput use in agriculture in the Americas and to identify possible areas for joint collaboration.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


May 19, 2023

Fifteen AgTechs offering digital agriculture solutions for the Americas will attend Digital Agriculture Week 2023 in Costa Rica

The winning companies were chosen from a field of 70 applicants. The event will adopt a hybridā€”in-person and virtualā€”format.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

Diana GuillƩn, President of SENASA Argentina, with Manuel Otero, IICA Director General.

May 19, 2023

IICA and SENASA of Argentina are strengthening ties to improve and modernize phytosanitary services in the Americas

Among SENASAā€™s objectives in aiming to streamline its services are a focus on capacity development, horizontal management, and most of all, determining how to address the changing nature of pests and diseases affecting the agrifood industry, using a One Health approach.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

Launch of the Latin American and Caribbean Network of Agrifood Trade Experts (RECA).

May 18, 2023

IICA, IDB and FAO create network of experts and researchers to improve experience sharing on agrifood trade and trade policy in Latin America and the Caribbean

Discussions in this neutral and independent space will also seek to improve the technical quality and relevance of research on agrifood trade in the Americas and strengthen capacities to provide technical guidance and policy recommendations to governments and the private sector.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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