October 15, 2021
Chile’s Minister of Agriculture, María Emilia Undurraga, also delivered a message at the event organized by IICA, during which participants listened to firsthand accounts that reflect women’s growing leadership in rural areas and discussed the need to give greater visibility to the inequality gaps that affect them.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
October 14, 2021
Through her agricultural work, Liliana seeks to make women protagonists in Colombia's vast rural areas.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
October 12, 2021
Mexican agronomist Gabriela Lucas will work together with IICA through the Center for Innovation on Small-Scale Sustainable Agriculture (CIASPE), which she founded. Joint work will be geared towards assisting small-scale producers who require projects and best practices to improve soils and boost the food security and income of their communities.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
October 11, 2021
The event was held from 27 September to 1 October and included 543 participating companies.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
October 8, 2021
The laboratory was inaugurated at the Coffee Institute of Costa Rica (ICAFE) in a joint initiative between the European Union, IICA, CATIE and PROMECAFE. It will serve the coffee industry in Mesoamerica and the Caribbean.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
October 8, 2021
The foundation stone was laid by Costa Rican ministers and the mayor of the canton of Vázquez de Coronado. This public space will promote biodiversity, responsible management of natural resources, agriculture’s transformative potential and the contribution of rural dwellers to sustainable development.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
October 8, 2021
This was the warning made by specialists participating in a webinar organized by the IICA within the framework of the Caribbean Week of Agriculture 2021.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
San José, Costa Rica
October 5, 2021
CWA is the subregion’s most important forum for dialogue, convened with the aim to reach consensus on the future of agriculture and rural life. Participants at the event include key stakeholders in the Caribbean from both the public and private sectors.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
September 30, 2021
The initiative is promoted by IICA; Bayer; Cenfotec, Creativa de Costa Rica and Zamorano universities; the Alliance for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (AEI) of Ecuador; the Latin American Organization of Young Agro-entrepreneurs (OLAJ); I4NATURE and 4-H Clubs. The winning proposal will be announced on November 8.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
Headquarters. 600 m. northeast of the Ipís-Coronado intersection. Vázquez de Coronado, San Isidro 11101 – Costa Rica. San José, Costa Rica
Tel (+506) 2216 0222
Fax (+506) 2216 0233