Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

Climate change

Annual Accountability Seminar

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

Another year and another successful seminar with IICA’s stakeholders. This year’s Annual Accountability Seminar provided an opportunity to present our results from 2015 and to engage in an important dialogue on climate change.

Ottawa, Canada. The IICA Delegation in Canada was pleased that the Institute’s Director General, Dr. Victor Villalobos, was visiting Canada at the time to deliver a presentation to the participants at our accountability seminar. The seminar attracted about 100 participants – 25 of which participated via the webinar. Participants included members of the Diplomatic Corps representing Latin America & the Caribbean, Government officials from the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), Global Affairs Canada, Health Canada, and the International Development and Research Centre (IDRC). Several non-Governmental Organizations, academia, private sector representatives and private individuals also participated.  

Image of IICA Canada’s 2016 Annual Accountability Seminar

The seminar serves to keep our stakeholders informed on the plans, activities and achievements of IICA. After opening remarks provided by Dr. Audia Barnett, IICA’s Representative to Canada, and Dr. Victor Villalobos, Trudy Werry (IICA Canada’s Technical and Performance Coordinator) provided a presentation on the results achieved by Canada’s delegation in 2015.  The presentation was complemented with a short clip of a video prepared by IICA on a recent project to enhance trade opportunities for small producers in Colombia and Peru. This video emphasised the value of building capacity in rural communities to promote trade and provide additional sources of income. Further to the presentations, a mini-exposition containing information and details on IICA’s programs and achievements was available for all to view.  

The highlight of the morning session was a conversation on “Climate Change – A trigger for more resilient food systems”.  Dr. Livia Bizikova, Director, Knowledge for Integrated Decisions, International Institute for Sustainable Development, and Dr. Hugo Melgar-Quiñonez, Director, McGill Institute for Global Food Security, shared their insights and stimulated discussion on a very relevant topic.

More than 70 participants attended IICA Canada’s 2016 AAS

Climate change impacts are expected to have many dire consequences on the global food situation especially in areas that are already vulnerable. With Cynthia Currie moderating the conversation, panelists shared views on the characteristics and complexity of resilient food systems, far-reaching impacts that climate change evoke in such systems and the importance of appropriate tools to measure resilience.

At the end of the formal session, it was an honour to invite a distinguished guest to the podium to highlight the Government of Canada’s priorities in relation to the issue. Ms. Celina Caesar-Chavannes, MP Whitby, Ontario and Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister, addressed the participants on the government’s commitment to addressing climate change.

Following the closing remarks, there was opportunity for networking and enjoying a lunch together. Updates with old acquaintances were shared and numerous new connections were made. Feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive – a morning well spent by all.



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