3 of the 4 Task Forces of PROCINORTE were extremely active over the period. The Animal Health Task Force had a successful workshop on “Genomics Tools for Animal Health Research” in Mexico City in September, during which national Agricultural research entities in Mexico, USA and Canada delivered updates on methodologies and protocols used in diagnostic and management systems for animal diseases.

The Caribbean Animal Health network, CaribVet, participated in the Task Force’s annual meeting for the first time, broadening the outreach of PROCINORTE and facilitating knowledge exchange with scientists working on a common animal diseases.
The Plant Health Task Force also held its annual workshop in September, this time in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, focussing on Vector-borne diseases affecting crops in North America. The well-known Whitefly and aphid were common vectors for viruses impacting the productivity and marketability of important specialty crops such as water melon, Honey Dew melon, hot peppers, strawberries, grapes and potato. The large contingent of students in attendance ensured their exposure to modern, sophisticated technologies for detecting, identifying and managing the vectors as well as encouraged them to consider their future in agricultural research.
The Tree Fruit Task Force of PROCINORTE that has been engaged in hands-on research and developmental work on the non-destructive testing of avocado maturity made significant progress over the summer. Not only did the student who had been diligently taking measurements and collecting data generated, graduate, but excellent results were generated and will be submitted for publishing. Important steps were also made in preparing the Mexican Avocado industry for this well-needed innovation.
PROCINORTE is a network of national agricultural research bodies in the three countries of North America: Canada, USA and Mexico. It supports agricultural trade through sound science and knowledge-sharing in areas of trilateral relevance. IICA provides the Secretariat and logistical support for the platform through its Delegation in Canada.
For more information:
Audia Barnett