Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture


Call now open for project pre-proposals for driving agriculture in the Americas

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

Throughout August and September, IICA professionals may submit pre-proposals of projects and pre-investment initiatives for providing technical cooperation.

All proposals must contemplate the participation of at least two IICA offices in the Member States and a national or regional partner

San José. This month, the Director General of IICA, Víctor M. Villalobos, launched the 2015 Call for project proposals of the IICA Competitive Fund for Technical Cooperation (FonTC), which provides an opportunity for IICA personnel to submit preliminary proposals (pre-proposals) of projects that promote the development of agriculture in the Americas.

The FonTC is a competitive internal funding mechanism designed to mobilize external resources and generate project proposals, framed within the strategic objectives and the eleven institutional contributions of IICA, in order to face the challenges posed by the agricultural sector and rural life.

Any IICA professional may participate in the competition. Applicants must submit a two-page pre-proposal that describes the general vision of the project. The application period ends on September 10 at 4:00 p.m. Costa Rica time.

The proposals will be reviewed by the FonTC Steering Committee, which will oversee the first phase of the selection process. The ideas approved will then move on to a second phase, in which applicants must present a formal project proposal based on the guidelines established in this guide.

All proposals must contemplate the participation of at least two IICA offices in the Member States and a national or regional partner that would contribute to formulating, executing, and funding the proposed project.

The priority topics of the call for project proposals are:

  • Innovation
  • Comprehensive management of water resources
  • Women and young people in agriculture
  • Inclusive and sustainable agricultural productivity


In addition to funding technical cooperation projects, as of 2016 the Fund will also receive proposals for funding pre-investment initiatives, such as the creation of project or study profiles that collect resources through the execution of the project being developed.

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