Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

Agricultural chains

Canada on IICA’s Executive Committee

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

Canada was one of  12 countries on IICA’s Executive Committee this year and as such was privileged to authorize the Institute’s new Medium Term Plan for the period 2018 – 2022 according to Resolution of the governing body – the Inter-American Board of Agriculture : IICA/JIA/ Res. 505 (XIX- O/17.

San Jose de Costa Rica. Other countries included Antigua & Barbuda, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, St. Kitts & Nevis and St. Vincent & the Grenadines.   The development of the new MTP had input from all member countries through consultations that took place during the first semester.  Canada was privy to key features of the draft plan during the Director General’s visit earlier in the year, at which time views on aspects important to Canada were posited by senior Government officials.   The program areas of the approved MTP mirror themes prioritized by the Canadian Government such as the bioeconomy, climate change, gender equity and innovation.

The 38th Executive Committee meeting held July 17-18, 2018, had several notable features.  Attended by some 19 countries, the Executive Committee meeting included for the first time, participation of the private sector.   This was by way of a high level forum at which executives from invited multi-national corporations spoke on the importance of public- private partnerships and corporate social responsibility. Seven cooperation agreements were also signed during the meeting, underscoring IICA’s commitment to forging strategic partnerships for implementing our plan.

Mr. Daryl Nearing, Deputy Director, Market & Industry Services Board of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada was the head of the Canadian Delegation.


For more information:

Audia Barnett



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