Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture


Dr. Priscila Henríquez to serve on the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) Advisory Council

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

Dr. Henríquez will have an opportunity to make recommendations concerning program development, identify new and emerging issues of interest and comment on policies or processes that impact FFAR and its ability to meet its mission. 

Dr. Priscila Henríquez

Dr. Priscila Henríquez from the IICA Delegation in USA was selected to serve on the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) Advisory Council on Food System Innovation. FFAR was established by the 2014 Farm Bill and it builds unique partnerships to fund innovative research in food and agriculture.

Dr. Henríquez provides leadership and technical support to technology and innovation programs assigned to the IICA Delegation in USA, and promotes collaborative relationships and strategic partnerships.  As IICA’s representative in the Regional Fund for Agricultural Technology (FONTAGRO), she supports joint agricultural research platforms comprised of public and private organizations in 15 Latin American countries and Spain. She leads areas of agricultural innovation, adaptation of agriculture to climate change, linking farmers to markets and sustainable agricultural intensification. Dr. Henríquez is also the technical coordinator of the Regional Forum for Agricultural Research and Development (FORAGRO), which promotes science based policies and investments in research and innovation in 34 countries in the Americas. She has experience carrying out agricultural research at several international research centers working with small farmers and focusing on the agricultural value chain. 

By serving on the FFAR Council, Dr. Henríquez will have an opportunity to make recommendations concerning program development, identify new and emerging issues of interest and comment on policies or processes that impact FFAR and its ability to meet its mission. In addition, advisors will recommend expert reviewers for submitted applications and will help identify potential partners with whom the Foundation might work.  

More information:


*This post appears in the IICA Delegation in the USA Newsletter – May- June 2016


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