Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

Further Partnership Growth in Canada

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.


  • In June 2020, IICA Canada signed an agreement with the Société de coopération pour le développement international (SOCODEVI) aiming to support small rural indigenous agri-food cooperatives, women, climate resilience and food systems;
  • Then in July 2020, an agreement with the Compost Council of Canada (CCC) was signed to strengthen organics recycling and compost industries and organizations to advance their sector performance and sustainability, with a focus on the Caribbean in addition to their high-profile annual international organics recycling conference which IICA Canada co-hosted a session with the World Food Prize winner Dr. Rattan Lal on soil health;
  • Also, in July, IICA signed an agreement with Cannexion, a private Canadian firm, to strengthen agri-food businesses, cooperatives, pursue gendered market analysis, trade and development;
  • By December, IICA signed an agreement with the University of Guelph and secured the participation of the university’s Dr. Silvia Sarapura-Escobar, Assistant Professor in Rural Planning and Development, originally from Peru, as part of IICA’s high-level hemispheric Advisory Committee on Food Security in the Americas, in which IICA Canada’s Country Representative, Dr. Jean-Charles Le Vallée, serves as a subject matter expert;
  • In March 2021, IICA Canada signed two additional partnerships with (1) Dimitra @ Calgary’s Blockchainguru, to explore education platforms, data driven and digital solutions in LAC; as well as (2) Développement International Desjardins (DID), Canada’s largest cooperative financial group, to collaborate on innovative finance, inclusive finance, microfinance among other tools that fit the such needs of disadvantaged communities.


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Tiempo de lectura: 3mins