Through a training course, 21 extension agents working in the Valparaiso region of Chile developed their capacities to understand and address how climate change is affecting agriculture in the region.
Through a training course for multipliers entitled “Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Agricultural Development Planning”, 21 extension agents working in the Valparaiso region of Chile developed their capacities to understand and address how climate change is affecting agriculture in the region. Desertification, water shortages, increasing temperatures and changing patterns of frost are currently affecting farmers in the region.
Organized by the Agricultural Research Institute (INIA), the Agricultural Development Institute (INDAP), and IICA, the four-day course focused on providing professionals working for INDAP, the Local Development Program (PRODESAL) and the Technical Assistance Service (SAT) with the tools and knowledge to incorporate climate change in their work. INDAP, INIA and IICA will work together to develop a systematic approach to mainstream climate change considerations in the country’s extension system and facilitate the process.
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*This post appears in the IICA Delegation in the USA Newsletter – May- June 2016