Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

Climate change

Inventories of Climate Change and Agriculture efforts undertaken in Caribbean

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

The exercise will help donors, development agencies, and other actors in the countries to better understand the landscape and the opportunities to fill gaps and channel resources effectively.

At the second meeting of the Caribbean Climate Smart Agriculture Forum held in 2016, 13 countries worked to develop a baseline of climate change and agriculture related initiatives to help identify where greater synergies or coordination can be promoted. 

The exercise, undertaken in early April by a wide group of stakeholders, will help donors, development agencies, and other actors in the countries to better understand the landscape and the opportunities to fill gaps and channel resources effectively.  The information from each country will be compiled and synthesized into a user-friendly format that the countries’ actors can keep up to date to guide climate related efforts and investment in the sector.

The Caribbean Climate Smart Agriculture Forum, sponsored by GIZ and IICA, is a collective effort to promote coordination, sharing and learning at both the national and regional levels in the Caribbean to ensure a resilient agricultural sector. 

More information:

This post appears in the IICA Delegation in the USA Newsletter – March – April 2016


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