Ir Arriba
  • News

    Brazilian academic and researcher, Marcos Jank, is awarded the title of IICA Chair, for his contribution to agrifood trade development in the Americas

    In recognition of his more than thirty-five years devoted to global agrifood trade issues, Marcos Jank, Senior Professor of Agribusiness at INSPER and Coordinator of Insper Agro Global, was conferred with the title of “IICA Chair” by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), during the annual meeting of its Executive Committee in Costa Rica.
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    Former Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Gustavo Manrique, the architect of the largest debt-for-nature swap, visited the IICA Headquarters and praised its contributions to agricultural sustainability

    Manrique stated that he believes IICA has been "re-founded" to adapt to the modern realities of agriculture and sustainability and that the Institute "has focused on what both young people and farmers need and want today”.
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    The CGIAR, the world’s largest agricultural research network, is to step up joint work with IICA for the transformation of agrifood systems

    The Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), the world’s largest agricultural research and innovation network, gave a presentation on its work and achievements to the Advisory Council for the Transformation of Agrifood Systems (CATSA) of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), and advocated intensifying the joint efforts of the two organizations.
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    IICA promotes a voluntary food safety and quality assurance tool in Honduras and Belize designed to improve risk control

    To promote public-private collaboration in carrying out audits in the production sector and demonstrate the benefits to producers, the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) organized a workshop in Honduras that brought together key actors in agricultural and food safety assurance systems from the host country and Belize.
  • News

    Colombia will host the First Pan-American Summit on Sustainable Aviation Fuels, to be attended by regional leaders and co-organized by IICA

    The summit will bring together different experts and industry leaders to discuss and analyze key issues related to sustainable fuels. The academic agenda will include, among other things, a conference on the evolution of SAF prices compared to those of fossil fuels and trends in raw materials.
  • High-level dialogue - Climate change and the agricultural sector: A Call to Action from the Americas

  • A Healthier Choice - Bio Fortification of Rice Explained

  • World Food Prize - IICA Side Event: Agrifood Systems in the Region: Challenges and Necessary Actions

  • Commemoration of the International Day of Rural Women - Forum "Priorities in the gender agenda"

  • African Swine Fever - A global vision: How to protect against ASF

  • Launch - AgriExtApp


Biofertilizantes, productividad cuidando los suelos

Biofertilizantes, productividad cuidando los suelos


Specialty Coffee Central American Integration System - SICA

Specialty Coffee Central American Integration System - SICA / Café de Especialidad de la región Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana - SICA