Ir Arriba
  • Support for the food production sector and agroindustry declared a national priority by Honduras

    The declaration, issued by means of a decree signed by President Juan Orlando Hernández and endorsed by the Council of Ministers of Honduras, seeks to guarantee food security in the Central American nation. IICA has expressed its support for the initiative.
  • IICA’s Advisory Council for Food Security calls for more focus on small-scale farming to face Covid-19

    The group of experts from eight different countries recommended offering more credit support to smallholder farmers and cooperatives and reinforcing short trade circuits.
  • IICA launches blog where experts discuss food vulnerability and the impact of Covid -19 on agriculture

    The tool will provide inputs to inform decision-making of agricultural authorities in the Americas.
  • IICA participates in international working group convened by OAS and PAHO to coordinate response to COVID-19

    International bodies and credit agencies join forces with one fundamental premise: multilateralism and cooperation are essential to fighting this pandemic.
  • The Ministers of Agriculture of Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico and Peru are coordinating their positions in the face of the health emergency

    By way of videoconferencing, and with the support of IICA, the Ministers discussed price communication mechanisms and harvest forecasting systems, trade cooperation and the need to boost intra-regional agricultural markets.
  • IICA joins network coordinated by Costa Rica’s Ministry of Science and Technology to manufacture protective masks for medical personnel

    IICA responded to an appeal by Costa Rica’s Ministry of Science, Technology and Telecommunications (MICITT) to bolster the country’s health services in tackling the Coronavirus pandemic.