Ir Arriba
  • Experts convened by IICA stress that the dairy sector of the Americas is critical to the food security of the region

    Tom Vilsack, former United States Secretary of Agriculture; Rick Smith, Chairman of the Global Dairy Platform; and Manuel Otero, Director General of IICA, underscored the role of the industry in ensuring safe food, nutrition and the socio-economic development of the hemisphere.
  • International cooperation and solidarity: an effective response to Covid-19

    The Secretary General of the Italo-Latin American Institute, Antonella Cavallari, and the President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, Gabriela Cuevas, participated in a dialogue with the Director General of IICA, with a view to identifying solutions to address the impact of the pandemic on food security.
  • Entrepreneurs call for enhanced cooperation and public-private sector partnerships to bolster agriculture in the aftermath of the pandemic

    Jens Mesa, Executive President of Colombia’s FEDEPALMA, and Hugo Sigman, CEO of the Grupo Insud in Argentina, participated in an IICA session to discuss how to create an enabling environment to increase the competitiveness of Latin American companies.
  • Brazil: first Latin American country slated to benefit from agricultural digital solutions, spearheaded by Nobel Prize winner, Michael Kremer

    This was announced by Brazil’s Minister of Agriculture, Tereza Cristina, at a ceremony in which the 2019 Nobel Prize winner for Economics was named an IICA Goodwill Ambassador. The focus will be family farming.
  • At OAS Permanent Council meeting, Member States express decisive support for IICA actions

    The endorsement was in response to a presentation by Manuel Otero, Director General of IICA (Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture), summarizing the 2019 Annual Report, which outlines the accomplishments of the agency for rural and agricultural development of the Americas. Otero also referred to the rigorous efforts of IICA during the months of the pandemic.
  • IICA launches challenge to create the Rural Youth Community of the Americas

    The project encourages youth across the hemisphere to propose ideas and solutions for overcoming post-pandemic challenges in agriculture.