Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

Agriculture Agroindustry

Associations of agronomists, veterinarians and agricultural economists of the Americas will work together with IICA to develop post-Covid-19 agricultural and trade protocols

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

The representatives underscored the importance of adopting a multidisciplinary approach to address the challenges facing the rural sector in a comprehensive manner, as well as the need to strengthen professional training.


San Jose, 18 May 2020 (IICA) – Pan-American associations of agronomists, veterinarians and agricultural economists will work together with IICA to develop joint Covid-19 prevention protocols, with a view to guaranteeing the continuity of production systems as well as bolstering trade in agricultural products between countries of the Americas.

During a videoconference, Manuel Otero, Director General of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), and representatives of the professional associations agreed to support efforts to increase training in work areas of crucial importance to the agriculture sector.

IICA engaged in dialogue with a number of participants, including the Pan-American Association of Veterinary Sciences (PANVET), the Argentine Federation of Agricultural Engineering (FADIA), the Argentine Association of Agricultural Economics, the Council of Professionals in the Fields of Agriculture, Food and Agroindustry (CPIA) of Argentina, and the Association of Agricultural Engineers of Uruguay, as well as renowned professionals with distinguished careers in various fields, including the academic sector.

The representatives underscored the importance of adopting a multidisciplinary approach to address the challenges facing the rural sector in a comprehensive manner. They also emphasized the need to strengthen professional training to foster the effective use of technological tools; this, in turn, would allow for driving Agriculture 4.0 and responding effectively to the emerging needs of the production sectors in the wake of the current pandemic.

To develop these skills, the stakeholders considered it crucial to work with IICA, given the agency’s capacity to respond.

“The pandemic has highlighted the role of agriculture and the need to channel efforts towards improving productivity in a sustainable manner and making better use of resources. IICA is a key stakeholder for achieving these objectives,” stated Argentinian veterinarian and consultant Bernardo Cané during the meeting.

“The current pandemic reflects the ‘One Health’ concept, which emphasizes the interconnection between human and animal health and the environment. It is also important to incorporate new elements into this holistic vision, such as the bioeconomy, which will be crucial for economic reactivation in our countries,” stated Macarena Vidal, President of PANVET.

As an agency specializing in agriculture and sustainable rural development in the Americas, IICA has organized a large number of subregional and bilateral virtual meetings over the past two months to engage in dialogue with the ministers and secretaries of agriculture of the hemisphere, as well as with multinational companies, relevant stakeholders of the agrifood chain in the Americas and international organizations, among other partners.

“We are taking another step forward in creating a new social fabric, which we must rely on to strengthen the agriculture sector in the Americas, given its decisive role in post-Covid-19 economic recovery and in the preservation of food security both during and after the coronavirus emergency,” remarked the Director General of IICA, who highlighted the Institute’s role as a facilitator and strategic bridge that develops innovative solutions for the benefit of the countries.

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Tiempo de lectura: 3mins