The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture, the Belize Poultry Association, the Belize Agricultural Health Authority and the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry, Fisheries, the Environment and Sustainable Development are cognizant of the threats that the poultry industry are prone to regarding diseases. It is within this context, that together a surveillance mechanism and biosecurity project is being developed to safeguard the Poultry Industry in Belize. Taking into consideration that the commercial chicken producers have their own biosecurity programs, it has been identified that the local backyard chicken producers need to have a mechanism in place in order to safeguard the industry from any potential outbreak in the rural areas. In order to have a better understanding of the critical issues some site visits were carried out in selected villages in Orange Walk District and the purpose of the visits was to gain some perspectives, of the back-yard poultry producers, regarding poultry diseases and markets for their products.
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