The new digital tool, was which launched the week of the Conference of Ministers of Agriculture of the Americas 2021, synthesizes IICA’s vision as a bridge between actors, themes, countries and subregions, and its desire to be closer to its counterparts in the Hemisphere.

San Jose, 31 August 2021 (IICA). The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) launched IICA 3D, a web platform to exhibit all of the projects under its open-door policy, based on innovative, digital technical cooperation that brings it closer to its beneficiaries and counterparts and that aims to promote agriculture and rural development in the Americas.
On the eve of the Conference of Ministers of Agriculture of the Americas 2021, which will take place virtually on 1-2 September, the Institute has revealed to its users the details of the IICA open doors Master Plan, with an emphasis on the projects developed at its headquarters in San Jose, Costa Rica.
The platform contains virtual tours of emblematic initiatives, such as the Interpretive Center for Tomorrow’s Agriculture (CIMAG), the Fab Lab digital laboratory, the Typical Rural House and Forest of the Americas, as well as the future Plaza of Agriculture of the Americas, all located in Costa Rica’s capital city.
Also hosted on the 3D platform are AgroArt, the Virtual Art Museum of IICA, and the profiles of the #LeadersofRurality, an award bestowed by the Institute on men and women who are leaving their mark and making a difference in the rural areas of the Americas.
The site also features a 3D map of IICA headquarters, which explains and contextualizes the different projects aimed at the Institute’s community, as well as downloadable technical documents related to the main topics of interest for the countries of the Americas ahead of the UN Food Systems Summit, scheduled to begin in a few weeks.
“IICA 3D embodies the spirit of an IICA of open doors, a bridge institute that connects actors, themes, countries and subregions, with which we propose to be closer to our counterparts and also to help in finding solutions to the challenges facing agriculture and rural development”, expressed Manuel Otero, Director General of IICA.
IICA 3D is part of the innovative content made available by the Institute to the Ministers of Agriculture of the Americas who will participate in the Conference on 1-2 September, at which time, the Inter-American Board of Agriculture (IABA), the highest governing body of IICA, will also hold its regular meeting.
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Institutional Communication Division.