The stoves were designed by a company specialized in environmental voluntary. They replace the use of open fire on three stones, reduce deforestation and improve health and quality of life of the users.

Haiti, December 17, 2014 (IICA). The energy saving stoves were designed by a volunteer who specializes in environmental matters. They were introduced in Arreguy-Jacmel to replace three-stone cooking fires and reduce the use of firewood, with a view to combating deforestation and improving the health and quality of life of the users of the stoves.
The volunteer who designed the stoves trained members of the community to make them. A program to raise awareness and encourage local people to use the stoves was then implemented, after 1750 units were distributed. Acceptance among users has been excellent.
The results of the project’s first phase suggest that the stoves use 50% less firewood, make it possible to cook food more easily and do not pose a risk to health, as they do not give off smoke.
Users especially appreciate the fact that the stoves can be used during the rainy season, something that is impossible with three-stone open fires.
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