The Institute briefed diplomatic representatives to Costa Rica on its plans of action and on the opportunities that this will provide for the global insertion of their countries’ products.

San José, 13 July 2018 (IICA). The Director General of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture, Manuel Otero, met with Latin American and Caribbean Ambassadors to Costa Rica, informing them about the Institute’s work priorities over the next few years, which will also be presented to a group of government authorities next week.
The meeting with ambassadors and diplomats from 14 countries took place prior to the meeting of IICA’s Executive Committee – one of the Institute’s governing bodies – that will be held in Costa Rica on 17 and 18 July. At that time, IICA will present its 2018-2022 Medium Term Plan (MTP), which will provide the roadmap for the next four years for this organization that promotes rural development in the Americas.
“Our Executive Committee will convene next week, and there we will present the Medium Term Plan, our new institutional roadmap, which will also promote dialogue to foster an even closer relationship with the private sector. Governments cannot do everything on their own and building public-private sector alliances is essential”, said IICA’s Director General.
Otero explained that within IICA’s portfolio of initiatives, supranational projects would become increasingly important. He commented that, “We are working to create a new IICA that has closer ties with countries, is more flexible, and makes a significant contribution to meeting the development objectives of countries and regions”.
IICA’s staff also informed the ambassadors about the support that the Institute provides in facilitating trade in member countries, by way of its joint efforts with the World Trade Organization (WTO) in the training of public officials and the application of Codex Alimentarius.
The meeting also addressed IICA’s main activities in each of the Latin American and Caribbean countries, in particular its initiatives focusing on family farming, the inclusion of rural areas, climate change, and food security and safety.
About IICA
IICA is the specialized international agency for agriculture of the Inter-American system, with a mission to stimulate, promote and support the efforts of its 34 Member States to achieve agricultural development and rural well-being through international technical cooperation of excellence.
More information:
José Alfredo Alpízar, Press and Outreach Coordinator, IICA