Caribbean Week of Agriculture 2018 was held in Barbados during the week of October 8th to 12th under the theme ‘Strengthening Agriculture for a Healthier Future’.
Caribbean Week of Agriculture 2018 was held in Barbados during the week of October 8th to 12th under the theme ‘Strengthening Agriculture for a Healthier Future’.
Held annually in October, this regional event provides a forum for Ministers of Agriculture, planners, regional organisations and other key agricultural stakeholders in the public and private sectors of the Region, to meet to discuss major issues affecting the agricultural sector in the region. The major objective is to derive solutions targeted at the transformation and repositioning of agriculture in the region, as well as at improving its contribution to supporting the economic, social and environmental stability of CARICOM Member States.
During the five-day period of the event, the opportunity was taken by regional organisations to host a number of workshops, which were held simultaneously throughout each day. Among the topics covered under the Technical Workshops conducted, were the following:
- Development of the Regional Coconut Industry.
- Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship
- Climate Resilience in the Agriculture and Fisheries Sectors
- Small Ruminants
- The School Feeding Programme.
A series of Ministerial meetings will also be convened during the hosting of CWA 2018. Ministers of Agriculture met over a three-day period to discuss key issues affecting the agricultural sectors in the region and to receive reports on action being taken by the various regional agencies, organisations and NGOs to assist with alleviating identified constraints to the development of the sector. The major meeting held during this Week was the Special Meeting of the Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED) – Agriculture, which was preceded by the Officials Meeting of COTED.
There is also a meeting of the Alliance, which offered the opportunity for the presentation of papers by experts in the field on issues surrounding the Theme for the week. Members of the stakeholder groups of the Alliance, such as the Caribbean Agricultural Forum for Youth Forum (CAFY) and the Caribbean Network of Rural Women Producers (CANROP), also convened their annual meetings during CWA and these NGOS were allocated time to deliver their respective reports to the Ministers during the Alliance Meeting.
In addition to the convening of meetings, seminars and workshops, the host country also hosts an agricultural trade show and exhibition, at which local and regional agricultural and agro-processed products, as well as innovative technology and equipment, were displayed.
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