Interested persons may apply via email at Professional visits and internships may last up to a year.

San Jose, 8 September 2020 (IICA). The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) has reactivated its internship program in a virtual modality, to enable university students and young professionals from the Americas to enhance their skills and knowledge of agricultural and rural development amidst the Covid-19 pandemic.
“IICA is pleased to make available this robust and solid program, which seeks to strengthen partnerships with the academic sector and other technical stakeholders across the hemisphere. This, in turn, will allow for providing a platform for exchanges and innovation among youth, who will play a leading role in the new global agriculture”, stated Manuel Otero, Director General of the Institute.
“This year, as a result of the pandemic, we have begun offering virtual internships, which have enabled more than 35 young people to intern in areas related to gender and youth, the bioeconomy, international trade, agricultural health and food safety”, he added.
Interested persons should email to apply for an internship, which can last up to one year. To be eligible, applicants must be recent graduates or senior university students who must conduct a professional practicum.
In the case of professional visits, applicants must be professionals with at least three years of experience in their respective fields.
Internships are conducted in topics related to IICA’s areas of work, including the bioeconomy and production development, territorial development and family farming, trade, climate change, agricultural health, gender and youth, as well as innovation and technology. Internships may also be conducted at the administrative level.
“Interns have carried out very important actions together with our technical teams, and have become directly involved in the development of noteworthy activities, such as the forums for rural women and youth”, noted Francisco Mello, Manager of IICA’s Center for Knowledge Management and Horizontal Cooperation Services.
“What is the added value of our program? Fostering unique cultural and academic exchanges within an international and multicultural environment, creating a plethora of networking opportunities”, explained Alejandra Mozes, Manager of IICA’s Human Talent Division.
Since 2018, this initiative has attracted more than 80 interns. A total of 39 virtual internships are currently underway.
Of the total number of interns during the 2018-2020 period, 61.1% were women (52) and 38.8% were men (33), with an average age of 25. Interns from different countries have participated in the program.
More information:
IICA’s Center for Knowledge Management and Horizontal Cooperation Services.