Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture


IICA signs MOU with UTECH Jamaica for Development of MSc in Rural Development

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

The partnership agreement also facilitates collaborative arrangements between IICA and UTech in course development, education and internship facilitation, capacity building, resource sharing, public education, joint publications and provision of scholarships and bursaries.

Prof. Stephen Vasciannie, CD, President, University of Technology, Jamaica and Dr. Elizabeth Johnson, Country Representative, Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), Delegation in Jamaica display a copy of the signed Memorandum of Understanding between both entities following the signing ceremony on Wednesday, October 25, 2017 at the UTech, Jamaica Papine campus.  Sharing in the occasion from left are Ms. Shauna Brandon, Rural Development Specialist, IICA Ja., Dr. Amani Ishemo, Associate Professor, Faculty of The Built Environment (FOBE), Dr. Garfield Young, Dean, FOBE and Mr. Hector Wheeler, Associate Vice President, Advancement, UTech, Ja.  (Photo courtesy of UTech, Ja)

The IICA Delegation in Jamaica has signed a formal partnership with the University of Technology Jamaica (UTech, Ja) through its Faculty of The Built Environment, for technical cooperation in developing a Master of Science (MSc) degree in Integrated Rural Development. The partnership agreement will also facilitate collaborative arrangements between IICA and UTech, Ja in course development, education/internship facilitation, capacity building, resource sharing, public education, joint publications and provision of scholarships and bursaries.

Dr. Elizabeth Johnson, IICA Jamaica Representative and Professor Stephen Vasciannie, CD, President of UTech, Ja signed the General Agreement for Technical Cooperation on October 25, 2017 at the University’s campus in Kingston.

Prof. Stephen Vasciannie, in welcoming the partnership said that, “UTech, Jamaica shares unequivocally in the Government of Jamaica’s thrust to focus on strategies to significantly develop the country’s rural communities.” Vasciannie felt the Master’s Programme, which is scheduled to start in 2018, is timely in providing advanced training and opportunities for economic growth.

Dr Johnson also pointed to the importance of capacity building and development in rural spaces as part of the thrust to eradicate poverty to empower citizens to achieve wealth creation.

Dr Amani Ishemo, Associate Professor, FOBE, who has been leading the development of the MSc in Integrated Rural Development will have an inter-related emphasis on all aspects of rural development. These will include agricultural development as well as practical issues related to entrepreneurship, mitigating vulnerability to foster resilience in communities, disaster management, issues related to climate change and other areas that can improve productivity in rural areas.

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