Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture


Costa Rican National Lottery pays tribute to IICA on its 80th anniversary

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

A special commemorative lottery ticket was presented to IICA by the Social Protection Board, the government entity that organizes the Costa Rican lottery. The draw will take place on Sunday, 9 October.

La gerenta general de la Junta de Protección Social (JPS) de Costa Rica, Marilyn Solano, junto al Director General del IICA, Manuel Otero, con la réplica del billete conmemorativo por el 80 aniversario del Instituto.

San Jose, 5 October 2022 (IICA). The National Lottery that is played every Sunday in Costa Rica will include a special component this Sunday, 9 October. The lottery ticket design is paying tribute to the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), which is celebrating its 80th anniversary this week.

Costa Rica’s Social Protection Board (JPS), the official organizer of the country’s National lottery, handed over a large-scale replica of the commemorative ticket to IICA, in a presentation at the Interpretive Center for Tomorrow’s Agriculture (CIMAG) at the Institute’s headquarters in San Jose. 

JPS General Manager, Marilyn Solano and IICA Director General, Manuel Otero, participated in the


Solano announced that, “We are joining in on activities to commemorate IICA’s 80 years of existence, with an enhanced lottery ticket design. This is a way of honoring you, as it will find its way into all corners of the country, making everyone aware of the amazing things that you are doing”.

“It is a well-known fact that, from your headquarters in this country, the staff of your organization are working hand-in-hand with 34 member countries in the Americas, supporting agricultural authorities in the hemisphere in their efforts to modernize agriculture; increasing the inclusion of women and youth; boosting sustainability, resilience and innovation in this noble and necessary activity; and ensuring the food security of the entire planet”, said the JPS General Manager.

On the other hand, Otero thanked the Social Protection Board—an autonomous state-run entity in Costa Rica—for the act of recognition that he stressed was taking place “at a special moment for IICA and will be an indelible memory for us”.

The IICA Director General highlighted the similarities between the Institute and the JPS, “such as their solidarity, sense of transparency and efforts to improve the quality of life of all people”.

Through its organization of the National Lottery and other games of chance, the 177-year-old JPS channels economic resources into the operation of health clinics, shelters, special education centers, addiction treatment centers and retirement homes for seniors, among other social initiatives.

El diseño del billete conmemorativo muestra un sector de la Plaza de la Agricultura de las Américas, que se inaugurará también en el marco de las celebraciones del 80 aniversario y que forma parte de la iniciativa “IICA de Puertas Abiertas”.

The commemorative ticket design features a section of the Plaza of Agriculture of the Americas – a public space in front of IICA Headquarters that is also being launched as part of the 80th anniversary celebrations. The Plaza is one of the “IICA of Open Doors” initiatives.

Otero remarked that, “This ticket features a small but significant structure that we have mounted in recognition of this remarkable country. This Plaza of Agriculture of the Americas will be a meeting ground for those wishing to learn about agriculture, rural life and our history. It will also highlight environmental conservation, biodiversity, water management, connectivity and digital agriculture, which are current areas of involvement for the Institute, in response to the demands of today’s global reality”.

The back of the National Lottery ticket highlights IICA’s 80 years of working in Costa Rica and the rest of the Americas to build a sustainable agriculture sector, with a human face. The ticket reads: “Eighty years of rich history for the benefit of agricultural and rural development in the Americas”.

Finally, Otero indicated that, “The world is in the throes of converging social, economic, environmental, climate and conflict-related crises, which demonstrate the urgent need to ensure food for all persons, to protect our natural resources and to produce more with less. We are honored by this tribute by the Social Protection Board and it motivates us to continue supporting Costa Rica and the other countries in the hemisphere to tackle the current difficulties”.

Given that the October 9 draw will be a regular weekly draw, each National Lottery ticket costs 1,500 colones (a little more than 2 U.S. dollars) and the grand prize will be 150,000,000 colones (more than USD 237,000) per issue. Two full sheets of tickets are issued and sold for each draw.

The tickets are sold within Costa Rica and can also be purchased online at

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Institutional Communication Division.



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