During his statement, the minister emphasized the importance of strategic actions taken to assist farmers, with the support of IICA.

San Jose, 5 October 2023. (IICA). The Minister of Agriculture of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saboto Caesar, reflected on the technical cooperation that the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) had provided to his Caribbean country and to the other Member States of the specialized agency for agriculture and rural affairs in recent years, in response to the severe challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change and the pressure on natural resources that have all affected the region’s agriculture sector and global food and nutrition security.
Minister Caesar was addressing IICA’s Conference of Ministers of Agriculture of the Americas 2023, convened to discuss the main challenges facing the hemisphere’s agriculture sector and to determine the actions needed to support the efforts of the countries of the Americas to tackle them.
“IICA has done a formidable job at one of the most difficult periods for us”, said Caesar, pointing out that, “We weathered the pandemic, we are battling climate change problems and pressure is being placed on our resources; and yet, this has not affected IICA’s efficiency. At this time, we must commend the administration of the Institute”.
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