The Director General of IICA participated in the OAS General Assembly, held in the United States.

San Jose, June 18, 2015 (IICA). Luis Almagro, the new Secretary-General of the Organization of American States (OAS), recognized the crucial role that the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) plays in the strengthening and development of the countries within the Inter-American System.
Almagro expressed his appreciation to the Director General of IICA, Víctor M. Villalobos, during the 45th OAS General Assembly, which took place this past Monday and Tuesday in Washington, D.C.
Both Almagro and Villalobos reasserted their commitment to providing mutual support, with the goal of propelling development in the nations of the Americas.
“I believe there is room for improvement in the coordination of the Inter-American System in order to gain in efficiency for the benefit of everyone,” stated the Secretary-General of the OAS during his speech on modernizing this hemispheric organization.
Within the framework of the Assembly’s main topic, “The present and future of the OAS,” various delegates at the General Assembly recognized the importance of IICA’s contributions to consolidating regional integration.
Represented by their ambassadors, the member countries of the Organization reiterated their commitment to continue working together for the benefit of the Americas.
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