Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

Agriculture Trade

IICA joins WTO Agriculture Committee

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

The Institute was granted the status of “ad hoc observer.”

San Jose, March 19, 2010, (IICA).  The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) is now an ad hoc observer of the Agriculture Committee of the World Trade Organization (WTO), where the most important trade agreement in the world on agriculture is being renegotiated, within the framework of the Doha Development Round.

“Our incorporation into the Agriculture Committee is evidence of support for our efforts to provide cooperation in the areas of policies and trade negotiations in our 34 Member States,” said Victor M. Villalobos, Director General of IICA.

The Agricultural Committee is a technical body of the WTO and is responsible for supervising, monitoring, disseminating and analyzing trade policies derived from the WTO Agreement on Agriculture, negotiated during the Uruguay Round, held between 1986 and 1994. It also follows up on the expanded negotiating agenda established during the 2001 Ministerial Conference, held in Doha (Qatar) and known as the Doha Round, whose main objective is to encourage the liberalization of agricultural trade.

Following a thorough analysis of and lengthy discussions on IICA’s request to join the Committee, the 158 member countries of the WTO decided to grant it status as an ad hoc observer.

According to Antonio Donizetti, IICA Policy and Trade Specialist stationed in Uruguay, “This a recognition of our work and we know we will contribute to the activities of the Committee, said Antonio Donizetti, IICA Policy and Trade Specialist stationed in Uruguay.

The Institute intends to improve its technical cooperation in the Member States. Donizetti said “IICA knows a lot about agriculture in the countries, their concerns, difficulties, strengths and weaknesses, so we are certain that will be participate actively to ensure that our work is useful.”

The WTO and IICA have worked well together for some time.  Since 2002, the Institute has participated in the WTO Sanitary and Phytosanitary Committee, carrying out joint educational and training activities.

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