WFO, which is based in Rome, and IICA signed an agreement to pursue initiatives focusing on resilience, training and horizontal cooperation for the Hemisphere’s agriculture sector.

San Jose, June 3, 2022 (IICA) – The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) and the World Farmers’ Organisation (WFO) will undertake joint actions, with a view to improving the living conditions of rural communities and bringing innovations and science-based solutions to agricultural producers in the Americas.
The organizations signed an agreement that also includes projects focusing on climate resilience, education for youth and rural women, and the implementation of agreements and recommendations arising out of the United Nations Food Systems Summit.
The agreement was signed by IICA Director General, Manuel Otero, and President of the WFO, Theo De Jager.
The Rome-based World Farmers’ Organisation brings together national farmers’ organizations and agricultural cooperatives, with the aim of ensuring that the voice of the farmers is heard, so to improve the economic environment and livelihood of producers and rural communities, strengthening the contribution of agriculture in tackling the challenges humankind faces.
IICA, which has its headquarters in Costa Rica, is the specialized international agency for agriculture of the Inter-American System, with a mission to stimulate, promote and support the efforts of its 34 Member States to achieve agricultural development and rural well-being, through international technical cooperation of excellence.
“Ensuring that farmers are allowed to make their voice heard and to significantly influence discussion forums and policymaking is critical to food system transformation. To this end, IICA is seeking to build bridges and partnerships between multiple stakeholders”, said Otero.
De Jager remarked that, “WFO values partnerships as one of the most important tools to support the farmers. The partnership with IICA represents a remarkable step in this direction. With IICA, we will work for expanding the farmers’ voice and presence in political discussions on themes like climate change, innovation and many others to support the farmers community in the Americas in the transition towards sustainable food systems”.
The joint efforts will include online training; resource mobilization and execution; horizontal and South-South cooperation; knowledge management and communication campaigns.
More information:
Institutional Communication Division
World Farmers’ Organisation