The Chairpersons of the Agriculture Commissions of the Chambers of Deputies and Senators of the Parliaments of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay participated in a virtual forum to discuss experiences and proposals for the sector within the context of Covid-19.

Buenos Aires, 12 May 2020 (IICA). – During a virtual meeting convened by Brazil’s Parliamentary Agricultural Front and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), the Chairpersons of the Agriculture Commissions of the Chambers of Deputies and Senators of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay exchanged information and experiences dealing with Covid-19.
The parliamentarians discussed ways to guarantee food supply and protect rural producers in the aftermath of the pandemic; they also shared the scenarios facing each of the countries in the region. The goal is to further strengthen parliamentary actions so that alternative proposals and public policy options can be considered at a legislative level.
Brazilian deputy Alceu Moreira, president of the Parliamentary Agricultural Front (FPA) and the Director General of IICA, Manuel Otero, moderated the discussions.
More accessible insurance policies for the sector, initiatives aimed at overcoming drought, and the sector’s image were a few of the topics addressed. The legislators also raised the need to hold frequent meetings in order to discuss issues shared by countries in the region.
The participants agreed on the important role played by parliaments in the current situation and in the post-Covid-19 future, which will require efficiency in the implementation of public policies and on the part of institutions that offer and receive technical cooperation.
Additional topics addressed included support to farmers, cost reduction, logistics, the movement of and trade in agricultural products, as well as policies to support family farming and rural development.
The Director General of IICA, in turn, shared information on the many activities that the organization is currently carrying out. He also highlighted the ministers’ interest in strengthening intraregional trade, market supply, family farming and food security, which are priority issues to be addressed both during and after the pandemic.
Manuel Otero, Director General of IICA, and Caio Rocha, IICA Representative in Argentina and Special Affairs Coordinator for the Southern Region, participated in the conference on behalf of the Institute.
The senators and deputies in attendance were:
- Argentina: José Arnaldo Ruiz Aragón, of the Agriculture and Livestock Commission of the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation and Adolfo Rodríguez Saá, of the Commission on Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Senate of the Nation.
- Paraguay: Colym Gregório Soroka Benitez, of the Agriculture and Livestock Commission of the Chamber of Deputies and Zulma Ramona Gómez Cáceres, of the Commission on Agrarian Reform and Rural Well-being of the Chamber of Senators.
- Uruguay: Luis Alfredo Fratti, of the Commission on Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries of the Chamber of Representatives of Uruguay and Jorge Gandini, of the Commission on Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries of the Chamber of Senators.
- Chile: Jorge Sabag Villalobos, of the Commission on Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development of the Chamber of Deputies and Juan Castro Prieto, of the Agriculture Commission of the Senate of the Nation.
- Brazil: Fausto Pinato, of the Commission on Agriculture, Livestock, Supply and Rural Development of the Chamber of Deputies and Soraya Thronicke, of the Agriculture and Agrarian Reform Commission of the Federal Senate.
- Peru: Raúl Machaca Mamani, of the Agrarian Commission of the Congress of the Republic.
- Bolivia: Rose Marie Sandoval Farfán, of the Plural Economy, Production and Industry Commission of the Chamber of Deputies.
More information:
Institutional Communication Division, IICA