Users around the world will be able to participate, along with specialists and public sector managers, in a virtual conference covering the topics of the Rio + 20 agenda, the results of which will be dealt with at the world summit in June.

Brasilia, March 9, 2012 (IICA).Most persons outside of the direct political and economic decision-making process will rarely have the opportunity to discuss climate change with distinguished specialists and public sector managers. The opportunity to present arguments before world leaders and thinkers on this topic at a meeting such as the Rio+ 20 is extremely rare.
In order to break down this barrier, the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), the Ministry of Agricultural Development (MDA) of Brazil and the Nucleus of Studies and Rural Development of Brazil (NEAD/MDA), will organize the International Virtual Conference on Green Economy and Socio-productive Inclusion: the Role of Family Agriculture, to be held April 9-30, 2012. This event will be free of cost and open to the general public.
For registration, visit the conference website at:
“We are inviting researchers and managers to participate and interact with the users”. It is a unique opportunity to discuss extremely relevant topics such as climate change with renowned experts.
Miranda added that the results will be consolidated in a specialized report that will contain a detailed summary of the technical discussions and main contributions to Rio + 20.
The topics for discussion at the conference are green economy, socio-productive inclusion, sustainable rural development, natural resources and food security, as well as production and sustainable consumption.
Special Participants: Tânia Bacelar (professor at UFPE), Renato Maluf (professor at CPDA and President of CONSEA), Ricardo Abramovay (senior professor at USP), Sergio Leite (professor and researcher at CPDA), Julio Berdegué (director of RIMISP), Eduardo Trigo (independent consultant independiente in science and technology) and Peter May (professor and investigator at CPDA).
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