Ir Arriba


  • System promoted by IICA improves the productivity and adaptation of rice to climate change

    The SRI methodology, which reduces the economic cost and environmental impact of rice farming, is contributing to renewing production on farms in Costa Rica and other Latin American countries.

  • Guatemalan cocoa ranks among the 50 best in the world

    IICA contributes to transforming the cocoa chain in the country by supporting value-adding and marketing, among other areas.

  • Ministers of Agriculture of the Americas to meet in Costa Rica

    Delegations from 34 countries in the Americas will meet in San José, Costa Rica, from 29 to 31 October, to discuss agriculture’s future and the challenges to be overcome in order to guarantee food security for the planet.

  • Costa Rica presents regulations for sustainable pineapple production

    The document, which compiles good pineapple production practices, was jointly developed by the country’s ministries of Agriculture, the Environment and Health, with support from IICA.

  • Microsoft, Lantern Technologies and IICA create IoT device to facilitate agro-climate monitoring by producers

    The first climate station prototype will be introduced in the field, for use in the Central American Program for Integrated Coffee Rust Management (PROCAGICA), under the direction of IICA and financed by the European Union.

  • Speaking in Argentina, IICA’s Director General appeals for support to develop agriculture in Central America and the Caribbean

    Manuel Otero addressed the Congress of the Argentine No-Till Farmers Association (AAPRESID), where he called for the strengthening of supranational institutions to assist in tackling the devastating effects of climate change. He also urged countries with developed agriculture sectors to provide greater support to Central America and the Caribbean.