Ir Arriba


  • 6,000 small-scale coffee farms in Central America and the Dominican Republic boosted their sustainability

    Since 2016, the Central American Program for Integrated Coffee Rust Management (PROCAGICA), which is funded by the European Union and implemented by IICA, has been fostering the modernization of farms and integrated crop management in this sector.

  • Rural women entrepreneurs strengthened their capabilities through a course delivered by the Ministry of Labor of Costa Rica and IICA

    They received training in empowerment, entrepreneurship, e-commerce, accounting, office automation and food handling.

  • IICA facilitates internships for secondary students to build interest in agriculture careers

    The Interns were introduced to commercial mushroom production, veterinary services, aquaponics and organic farming.

  • U.S. and South American officers and producers’ organizations receive technical training to combat African swine fever

    The General Secretariat of the Andean Community (SGCAN) and IICA hosted a training session led by specialists of both entities as well as the European Union.

  • IICA fosters dialogue in Washington on antimicrobial resistance and its impact on trade

    IICA hosted a roundtable discussion related to sanitary and phytosanitary negotiations, which included the participation of representatives of the international agrifood community and importers from Canada, the European Union and the United States.

  • IICA’s modernization is encouraging greater participation by Member States in its governing bodies

    IICA’s renewal measures are prompting a more proactive attitude among countries in the Institute’s governing bodies. The Executive Committee approved the 2020-2021 budget and the key areas of focus of the meeting of Ministers of Agriculture of the Americas, which will be held in October in Costa Rica.