Ir Arriba


  • Caribbean specialists acquire new expertise for adding value to cassava

    A meeting supported by IICA, the European Union, and Colombia’s Presidential Agency for International Cooperation enabled specialists engaged in promoting the crop to learn about new forms of marketing that could boost markets for the product.

  • IICA specialists and members of Costa Rica’s CLIITAs receive training in how to reduce food losses

    Experts from the Institute and other organizations were taught how to use and apply a methodology that helps reduce postharvest losses in agricultural crops.

  • New appellations of origin and geographical indication for Central American coffee

    Project financed by IDB/FOMIN and supported by IICA made facilitated the registration of two appellations of origin in El Salvador and Guatemala and a geographical indication in Honduras.

  • Carbon neutrality can make agribusinesses more competitive

    Officials from across Latin America learned about the WTO’s provisions on environment, with a view to promoting policies designed to make agriculture more competitive and sustainable.

  • Central American agriculture will benefit from the new geospatial information system

    IICA and a Mexican research center have signed an agreement for work on the development of solutions to food security issues in Central America.

  • IICA launches virtual food inspection school in Central America and the Dominican Republic

    By means of a digital platform, the Institute and leading universities in each country will train food inspectors and promote integration processes in the region.