Ir Arriba


  • Capabilities for promoting agricultural innovation boosted in Trinidad and Tobago

    Agricultural professionals and producers took part in training promoted by Mexico and IICA in the Caribbean.

  • FONTAGRO reaffirms its commitment to innovation and family farming adaptation to climate change

    The Fund is implementing new partnerships to co-finance projects implemented between its member countries.

  • The development of family farming in Latin America and the Caribbean to come under the spotlight in Chile

    At a conference organized by IICA, FAO, ECLAC, CIRAD and the Government of Chile, specialists from LAC will discuss the outlook for family farming in the region.

  • Agricultural policies should encourage the inclusion of women and youth in development

    International Conference on Public Policy and Family Farming –bringing together experts in the search for solutions to the challenges of smallholder production –comes to a close.

  • Experts advocate application of fair trade concept to local markets

    Latin America and the Caribbean supplies over 80% of the products marketed under fair trade standards worldwide.

  • IICA highlights the key role of the agricultural insurance in strengthening food security

    At an international forum, the Institute pointed to the need to promote the agricultural insurance industry in order to support the development of agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean.