Ir Arriba


  • Research studies aimed at resolving challenges faced by Latin American and Caribbean coffee farmers were presented in Guatemala

    PROMECAFE, an initiative supported by IICA, held a symposium with 330 participants from 14 countries across the region, which is home to more than one million coffee-farming families.

  • Mexican authorities urge IICA to intensify its support for the agrifood sector in the Americas

    Institute officials met in Mexico with representatives of the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA) and with the team of Secretary of Agriculture designate, Victor Villalobos, who lauded the work being carried out by this agency of the Inter-American system, which specializes in agricultural and rural development.

  • “La Niña” phenomenon transitions to neutral phase, but tropical cyclone season will be more intense

    A virtual seminar organized by IICA analyzed the implications of these climatic conditions for agricultural health in Mesoamerica.

  • Cocoa and coffee chain representatives from eight countries of America trained in the design of agricultural projects with evaluation criteria

    Through the application of methodologies, dialogue and group exercises, participants learned how to design projects that can be evaluated at all stages

  • Mexico strengthens its partnership with the Caribbean for the benefit of rural development

    During a meeting organized with support from IICA, the Ministers of Agriculture of Mexico and the Caribbean highlighted the need to improve regional collaboration.

  • IICA-CONACYT scholarship program to benefit one thousand students by the end of the year

    Between January and May 2016 alone, the academic initiative benefited 105 new professionals in the Americas, which speaks to the program’s success throughout its four years of operation.