Ir Arriba


  • University of Cordoba and IICA promote digital transformation of agriculture in the Americas with master in Digital Agri

    The institutions presented a postgraduate program for students from Latin America and the Caribbean aimed at training professionals to support and drive the digitalization of agriculture and rural areas.
  • Universidad de Córdoba and IICA will launch a Master’s program aimed at boosting digital transformation in agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean

    The program was presented during the closing session of a series of forums on bridging the digital divide, organized by IICA, during which the different elements of a joint roadmap was defined to expedite the inclusion process.
  • IICA and AECID launch a new phase of collaboration with a focus on Central America

    The Director of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) and the Director General of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) will bring together the technical groups they lead to develop a joint work agenda.
  • ​​International experts agree on the need to foster agricultural research

    This conclusion was drawn from the 2nd Congress on Agricultural Research for Development, held this month in Madrid.

  • Partnership will promote the sustainable development of family farming in Latin America and the Caribbean

    An agreement signed by IICA and the World Rural Forum seeks to strengthen the contributions of family farming to food and nutritional security.

  • IICA and the EU launch program to address the effects of coffee leaf rust on Central America and the Dominican Republic

    The initiative integrates national and regional efforts to achieve a more competitive, sustainable and inclusive coffee production, and will benefit over 330,000 small and medium-sized coffee growing families in the region.