Ir Arriba


  • IICA and FDA launch virtual platform in Peru to promote exports of fresh produce to the United States

    The launch was held in partnership with Peru’s Exporters Association (ADEX) and the US Department of Agriculture. The value of Peru’s agricultural exports to the US currently stands at USD 10.202 billion.
  • Peru’s cocoa sector has new tool to drive crop safety and promote exports

    In Peru, approximately 100,000 families participate in cocoa production, which in 2021 generated exports worth USD 300 million.
  • Young people from Peru and Ecuador design virtual platform to create Rural Youth Community of the Americas

    Physics, biology and IT professionals won the 2021 Rural Youth Hackathon organized by IICA for this purpose.
  • Peru’s Ministry of Agricultural Development and Irrigation and IICA strengthen cooperation agenda

    Strengthening the state financial institution Agrobanco and boosting the use of digital tools in rural extension were just some of the matters addressed by Minister Federico Tenorio and IICA Director General Manuel Otero in their discussions.
  • Member countries of the Andean Community undertake commitment to strengthen family farming and intraregional trade

    The Ministers of Agriculture of Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru signed a Declaration presented during the most recent session of the Andean Agricultural Forum, organized with support from IICA. Inter-agency committees will support the fulfillment of the agricultural agenda proposed in the document (see Ministerial Declaration).
  • Andean Agricultural Forum proposes regional agenda to boost trade and exports

    Improving market access, strengthening competitiveness and promoting the implementation of business strategies that facilitate diversification are key elements for fostering international trade in agricultural products in the Andean Region.