Ir Arriba


  • Argentine Leaders of Rurality recognized by IICA agree on a joint work plan to strengthen cooperatives and family farming with the Secretary of Bioeconomy

    This was agreed upon during a meeting with the Secretary of Bioeconomy, Fernando Vilella, who expressed interest in the role that Leaders of Rurality can play as positive examples in their territories to strengthen rural ties and the sustainability of production and he committed to developing a joint agenda.
  • Bioeconomy in the yerba mate chain: IICA and Argentinean province of Misiones, known for its rich biodiversity and natural resources, make strides in developing a cooperation agenda focusing on production and the environment

    The province has a longstanding tradition producing yerba mate, a plant species that has given rise to an industry of great economic and social importance, as a source of income for thousands of family farmers.
  • Argentina, with support from IICA, presented details of the bio-digital innovation under way in its agriculture sector at the WTO Public Forum in Geneva

    At the event, Argentine researchers showed how their country is at the forefront in the implementation of cutting-edge technologies and sustainable agricultural practices to help achieve that goal.
  • Argentine Ministry of Science and IICA launch a call for bioeconomy projects in technologies applied to agriculture from researchers in the Americas

    Aimed at technologies applied to agriculture, the call for projects will be open until 6 October and will exclusively prioritize areas related to the development of biomaterials, waste biorefineries, bioenergies, bioinputs and bioventures.
  • IICA attends massive congress of corn and sorghum farmers in Argentina, where farmers are hailing the bioeconomy as an extraordinary opportunity for development  

    Approximately 2,000 persons attended the event, including producers, researchers and various stakeholders from the agrifood value chain.
  • Litoral Agrobiotechnology Institute (IAL) in Argentina is strengthening ties with IICA to train top-flight professionals to develop knowledge intensive agriculture

    The IAL is headed by eminent scientist Raquel Chan, who met with the Director General of IICA in the city of Santa Fe, Argentina. Manuel Otero also met with Federico Trucco, CEO of Bioceres, the company that worked with the IAL to develop HB4 soybean and wheat, which are characterized by their ability to withstand drought conditions.