Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture



Otero pledged IICA’s technical support for agricultural development plans in Barbados and Guyana

While attending Caribbean Week of Agriculture, the region’s premier event for this sector, IICA’s Director General, Manuel Otero, remarked that the new challenges facing agriculture include the extensive interconnection between the issues specific to the sector and health and nutritional concerns.  This is a dimension that IICA will incorporate into its portfolio of projects.  Bioeconomy and food safety and health, core issues of IICA’s work, are fundamental to achieving this objective.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


USDA official draws attention to the high-quality protein in beef and the benefits of consuming it in adequate quantities

During the National Beef Day celebration in Costa Rica, David Klurfeld, National Program Leader for Human Nutrition of the United States Department of Agriculture, extolled the nutritional benefits of moderate beef consumption.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


IICA – ready to strengthen the development of food production in Barbados

During a visit to Barbados to attend the Caribbean Week of Agriculture, the Director General of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), Manuel Otero, met in Bridgetown with the country’s Prime Minister, the Honourable Mia Amor Mottley, assuring her that the hemispheric organization - which specializes in agricultural development and rural well-being -  would provide technical support for a plan to multiply sheep herds, thereby contributing to food security in this Caribbean country.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


San Jose, Costa Rica

October 9, 2018

IICA celebrates 40 years of supporting agricultural and rural development in Trinidad and Tobago

After 40 years of continuous work in this country, the Inter-American Institute of Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) reaffirms its commitment to continue working with stakeholders to help develop local agricultural and rural sectors.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


IICA’s Director General attends Caribbean Week of Agriculture in Barbados and meets with Ministers of Agriculture from the region

Otero will present the new institutional roadmap of the hemispheric organization to Ministers of Agriculture from the Caribbean. The document proposes the application of a differentiated strategy for the region.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins



October 1, 2018

Using Geospatial Tools for Agricultural Monitoring

Orbiting hundreds of kilometers above the Earth, satellites can provide a unique and comprehensive perspective on the state and changing conditions of our soils, crops, and land use.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins



October 1, 2018

Rep’s Corner


Even though summer is behind us, the delegation was determined to eke out every last drop of the warm weather in Ottawa, as we made preparations for cooler climes.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins



October 1, 2018

Brokering knowledge through the PROCINORTE Platform


3 of the 4 Task Forces of PROCINORTE were extremely active over the period. The Animal Health Task Force had a successful workshop on “Genomics Tools for Animal Health Research”  in Mexico City in September, during which national Agricultural research entities in Mexico, USA and Canada delivered updates on methodologies and protocols used in diagnostic and management systems for animal diseases.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins



October 1, 2018

Tapping Canadian knowledge & experience

A select number of senior officials drawn from IICA Canada’s main stakeholder groups met recently in Ottawa to review the new programming plan for the institute and weigh in on potential focus areas for the Canadian Delegation.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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