Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture



July 22, 2015

Dr. Armando Samper, Director Emeritus of IICA, has passed away

A champion of agriculture in the hemisphere has died in his native Colombia.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


July 21, 2015

Young rural leaders of the Americas visit Nebraska

Fifty-six young people will be in Lincoln, Nebraska, from August 2 to 6 to attend a Forum for Young Leaders in Agriculture of the Americas. One event planned as part of the Forum is a panel discussion involving the Deputy Director General of IICA and four former ministers of agriculture.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


July 21, 2015

IICA and FAO link up to prepare binational proposal for Haiti and the Dominican Republic

The representatives of IICA and FAO in Haiti and the Dominican Republic have entered into an alliance to coordinate actions in the two countries, focusing on the border region.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


July 21, 2015

Karen Lezny to be new Deputy Director General of IICA

Ms. Lezny, from the United States, is an expert in the field of international negotiations.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


July 21, 2015

New food revolution heralds changes for consumption and production

Consumers are demanding foods that reflect their personality and lifestyle, transforming the entire food chain. Investing in technology is essential to make this revolution work for us

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


July 20, 2015

Third Hemispheric Forum for Young Agricultural Leaders will focus on agricultural entrepreneurship

To call attention to business opportunities in the rural sector is proposed as a strategy for slowing rural-urban migration, offering young leaders a global vision of agriculture. The IICA Offices in its Member States are now in the process of selecting participants for the Forum, to be held on August 2-6.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


July 20, 2015

Cultivation of transgenic crops on the rise worldwide

Total land area planted in genetically modified crops grew from 125 million hectares in 2008 to 134 million in 2009.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


July 20, 2015

IICA joins WTO Agriculture Committee

The Institute was granted the status of “ad hoc observer.”

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


July 17, 2015

Finland and IICA negotiating forest Management program for Andean Region

The initiative is aimed at making forestry sustainable and profitable in the countries of the Andean region.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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