Ir Arriba
  • Countries in the Americas make headway with the implementation of electronic veterinary certification to expedite trade in animal-based products

    Officers from 30 countries recognized the urgent need for a standardized protocol for the issuance and exchange of certificates, which would make it possible to eliminate trade barriers, lower costs, increase traceability, and better comply with veterinary public health requirements.
  • Countries in the Americas make headway with the implementation of electronic veterinary certification to expedite trade in animal-based products

    Officers from 30 countries recognized the urgent need for a standardized protocol for the issuance and exchange of certificates, which would make it possible to eliminate trade barriers, lower costs, increase traceability, and better comply with veterinary public health requirements.
  • Producer associations that promote sustainable agriculture join forces with IICA to strengthen and extend environmental conservation across the Americas

    The CAAPAS-IICA partnership aims to achieve more informed and robust joint positions for dealings with the international agricultural forums of the Americas
  • The FDA and IICA launch web platform to enhance farmers’ knowledge of the safety rule governing the exportation of fresh agricultural produce to the United States

    Growing Safe Produce is a digital tool that utilizes videos, interactive web applications, as well as   downloadable and printable resources, presented in simple, straightforward language, to explain how to fulfill the requirements of the rule.
  • The FDA and IICA launch web platform to enhance farmers’ knowledge of the safety rule governing the exportation of fresh agricultural produce to the United States

    Growing Safe Produce is a digital tool that utilizes videos, interactive web applications, as well as   downloadable and printable resources, presented in simple, straightforward language, to explain how to fulfill the requirements of the rule.
  • Trade and agricultural health and food safety specialists from Latin America and the Caribbean underscore the importance of regulatory convergence and equivalence agreements to strengthen agrifood trade across the region

    In a forum organized by the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI) and IICA, more than 170 people shared their experiences to promote regulatory convergence based on equivalence in agrifood trade.