Ir Arriba
  • Mission sent by Director General of IICA engages in dialogue with the Vice President of Brazil, Geraldo Alckmin, to discuss hemispheric agency’s support for the agricultural agenda at G20 and COP30

    IICA can make a significant contribution at high-level forums such as the G20 and COP, by exchanging ideas, information and experiences in the transformation of agriculture and rural life, to build consensus and a shared roadmap on the challenges and opportunities for the agrifood sector, which must necessarily be sustainable, more competitive and inclusive.
  • Mission sent by Director General of IICA engages in dialogue with the Vice President of Brazil, Geraldo Alckmin, to discuss hemispheric agency’s support for the agricultural agenda at G20 and COP30

    IICA can make a significant contribution at high-level forums such as the G20 and COP, by exchanging ideas, information and experiences in the transformation of agriculture and rural life, to build consensus and a shared roadmap on the challenges and opportunities for the agrifood sector, which must necessarily be sustainable, more competitive and inclusive.
  • Use of technologies and science-based data will be crucial for trade in agricultural goods from the Americas in the European Union

    With farmers as key players in agrifood systems transformation, countries of the region are being called upon to consolidate their leading role in food security, noted IICA’s Deputy Director General during an international seminar.
  • IICA showcases its water harvesting and efficient water use programs in semi-arid Mexico 

    In partnership with CONAZA, Mexico’s Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development, and the Office of the Mayor of the Dr. Arroyo Municipality in Nuevo León, IICA is undertaking projects for water infrastructure rehabilitation and maintenance, among other initiatives.
  • IICA showcases its water harvesting and efficient water use programs in semi-arid Mexico 

    In partnership with CONAZA, Mexico’s Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development, and the Office of the Mayor of the Dr. Arroyo Municipality in Nuevo León, IICA is undertaking projects for water infrastructure rehabilitation and maintenance, among other initiatives.
  • Washington’s AgForestry foundation and IICA agree that environmental protection and the strengthening of agrifood systems are key to revitalizing the economy in the Americas

    The Washington Agriculture and Forestry Education Foundation (AgForestry) highlighted IICA’s work in the region’s natural systems to guarantee agricultural health and food safety.