Ir Arriba
  • IFPRI and IICA present a document at the WTO Ministerial Conference, highlighting the value of multilateralism and promoting greater Latin American participation in negotiations to strengthen global food security

    The publication, entitled “Navigating the Trade Landscape: A Latin American Perspective on the 13th WTO Ministerial Conference”, was launched as part of joint actions undertaken by IICA and IFPRI to promote greater participation of countries in the region in WTO agricultural trade negotiations and to provide an update on the advances in discussions and the consensus reached.
  • At the UN Environment Assembly, in which IICA took part, experts underscored the fact that dairy production can help combat climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution

    The IICA took part in one of the Assembly’s panel discussions, organized by the International Dairy Federation and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), in collaboration with the U.S. Dairy Exporters Council (USDEC), the National Dairy Development Board of India, the International Dairy Research Institute, and the Environmental Defense Fund.
  • At the UN Environment Assembly, in which IICA took part, experts underscored the fact that dairy production can help combat climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution

    The IICA took part in one of the Assembly’s panel discussions, organized by the International Dairy Federation and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), in collaboration with the U.S. Dairy Exporters Council (USDEC), the National Dairy Development Board of India, the International Dairy Research Institute, and the Environmental Defense Fund.
  • Primera

    IICA International Traditional Foods and Tourism Fair will be held on March 9 in Coronado

    Most of the proceeds from the event will go towards improving the living conditions of senior citizens and students across the canton.
  • Mission sent by Director General of IICA engages in dialogue with the Vice President of Brazil, Geraldo Alckmin, to discuss hemispheric agency’s support for the agricultural agenda at G20 and COP30

    IICA can make a significant contribution at high-level forums such as the G20 and COP, by exchanging ideas, information and experiences in the transformation of agriculture and rural life, to build consensus and a shared roadmap on the challenges and opportunities for the agrifood sector, which must necessarily be sustainable, more competitive and inclusive.
  • Washington’s AgForestry foundation and IICA agree that environmental protection and the strengthening of agrifood systems are key to revitalizing the economy in the Americas

    The Washington Agriculture and Forestry Education Foundation (AgForestry) highlighted IICA’s work in the region’s natural systems to guarantee agricultural health and food safety.