Ir Arriba
  • New Mexico State University and IICA strengthen partnership to develop initiatives on soil, water, energy and digital technology in the Americas

    The entities also signed a commitment to prioritize actions involving the bioeconomy and climate change, among other areas, following a visit by a high-level delegation from the U.S. university to IICA Headquarters in Costa Rica.
  • Joelin Santos, founder of a life-changing pineapple producer association in the Dominican Republic, recognized by IICA as a “Leader of Rurality”  

    Joelin was raised in the countryside and migrated to the city to pursue university studies. He later returned home, convinced that professionalizing agricultural activity would be the key to enabling other rural producers in the Dominican province of Monte Plata and himself to enjoy a decent quality of life.
  • IICA launches the Observatory of Public Policies for Agrifood Systems, a space for dialogue and proposals to face times of global uncertainty

    The OPSAa was presented with a high-level dialogue on the changing scenarios in policies and global geopolitics as a result of the war in Europe.
  • Closer relationship between farmers and scientists will favor greater and more sustainable food production, says Argentine biochemist Raquel Chan

    Chan concedió una entrevista al programa Agro América, que emite el canal de TV brasileño AgroMais, luego de haber recibido el título “Cátedra IICA en Biotecnología y Desarrollo Sostenible” por sus contribuciones para el fortalecimiento de los sistemas nacionales de ciencia y tecnología.
  • The agricultural sector in the Americas can make a key contribution to global energy security, under threat due to the conflict in Eastern Europe

    This is one of the points made in the document, “The geopolitical importance of the agriculture sector for energy security,” published recently by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA).
  • “Birds and Forests - Biodiversity of the Americas,” the new exhibition launched at AgroArt, IICA's Virtual Art Museum

    Photographic exhibition highlights the beauty of migratory and endemic birds and their importance for the well-being of the planet.