Ir Arriba
  • Credit organizations and private sector representatives advise ministers of Agriculture about funding opportunities for climate action in Latin America and the Caribbean

    The exchange took place at a meeting that IICA organized in San Jose, Costa Rica, to develop a joint position for the region’s agriculture sector to present at the upcoming COP27 meeting.
  • CAF Vice President: Aligning the efforts of sector stakeholders, governments and funding institutions is key to enable agriculture in the Americas to adopt best practices and address the climate crisis

    Streamlining and uniting efforts among agrifood stakeholders, governments and funding institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean is key to boost agricultural development, adopt good practices and guarantee food security in the region, particularly given the serious global climate crisis.
  • Rattan Lal, IICA Special Envoy to COP27, proposes additional actions to ministers of Agriculture of the Americas to mitigate climate change and appeals for financing for developing countries

    Lal referred to the population increase; the projected decline in arable land in 30 countries by 2025; as well as the limited water supply and renewable water sources that are affecting more than 4 billion people, as some of the obstacles to achieving the SDGs.
  • Consensus in Costa Rica on the road to COP27: Ministers of Agriculture of the Americas reaffirm commitment to sustainability, warning that climate actions should be science-based, to safeguard productivity and prevent a deepening crisis

    They also emphasized that farmers alone cannot shoulder the burden of the damages resulting from climate change or the sole responsibility for the necessary investment to transform the agriculture sector. Thus, it is imperative that developed countries honor their commitments to provide international financing.
  • Ministers of the Southern Agricultural Council (CAS) share joint position at meeting of agriculture of the Americas in Costa Rica

    During the meeting in San Jose, Costa Rica, the ministers of Agriculture of the Americas discussed their joint position with respect to global climate negotiations and called for placing the spotlight on the agriculture sector at COP27.
  • United States Secretary of Agriculture urges countries in the Americas to join forces to build a climate-resilient agriculture sector that guarantees food security

    Vilsack participated in the meeting of ministers of Agriculture of the Americas, along with representatives from international funding agencies, which was convened to discuss a joint position for the sector to adopt at the Conference of the Parties to the United Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 27), within the context of the food, health and climate crisis. COP 27 will take place in Egypt in November.