Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura


Call for Expression of Interest


Call for Expression of Interest

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

10th EDF Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) Project

Support to the Caribbean forum of ACP States in the implementation of Commitments Undertaken Under the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA):

Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures


Title of the EOI:

Strengthening Food Safety Management Systems of Rum Producers

in the CARIFORUM Region


  • Date of this EOI: January 15, 2016
  • EOI Reference: CaRC/BB/SPS-EOICB04/15
  • Address EOI Response by fax or e-mail for the Attention of:        SPS Project Manager
  • Fax Number: 246-271-9213
  • E-mail Address:
  • Closing Date for Receipt of EOI: March 11, 2016


Closing Date for Receipt of EOI: March 11, 2016


1. The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture, IICA has been the specialized international agency for agriculture of the Inter-American System for more than 70 years, and its mission is to “encourage, promote and support our Member States in their efforts to achieve agricultural development and rural well-being through international technical cooperation of excellence”.

2. IICA as the implementing agency for the 10th EDF Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Measures Project is seeking a qualified and experienced company/firm/consortium to support the rum sector in the CARIFORUM region to improve their Food Safety Management (FSM) System in order to build trade competitiveness and to mitigate risks. The core activity will be to provide Technical Assistance to selected firms in the rum sector (fifteen firms) to establish a FSM system such as HACCP, ISO 22000 or FSSC 22000. The Company/Firm will work closely with the West Indies Rum and Spirits Producers Association (WIRSPA) in the implementation of the Action.


Specific Outcomes from the Action include:

  • Increased awareness by the rum industry (especially smaller operators) regarding food safety requirements in the alcoholic beverages market and particularly in the spirits market.
  • Action Plans for the establishment of FSM systems in rum companies (with short and long term goals).
  • Food Safety Teams and company staff in the rum sector trained in HACCP/ISO 22000/ FSSC 22000 as appropriate.
  • Manuals, handbooks and other relevant material for the rum sector.  
  • Participating rum producing companies implementing HACCP and other FSM systems to support improved access to export markets and the production of safe, high quality products.
  • The action should be conducted over nine months; April – December 2016.


The main tasks/activities are as follows:

a. Conduct gap analyses and develop action plans.  The kick off activity should consist of visits to each participating company to undertake gap analyses and to develop in concert with the company an action plan for implementing a Food Safety Management (FSM) System. Baseline data should be collected prior to the visit to ascertain the status of the company with respect to the implementation of a FSM system and attaining certification.  Agreement and commitment by management and key staff to the action plan and the allocation of the necessary human and physical resources as well as the appointment of a Food Safety Team and Leader will be important outputs of this phase. As such, the requisite methodology should be employed to achieve these results.

b. Design and implement training programmes in food safety management. Based on the baseline information collected, during the initial phase of the consultancy, an interactive training programme should be developed and implemented for the management, technical and general staff of the selected companies. The programme should cover the principles and processes involved in the implementation of a FSM system and should include but not be limited to HACCP, GMPs, ISO 22000, ISO-TF 22002 and FSSC 22000. The focus of the programme should be most relevant to the facility in question. Information products (e.g. handbooks, booklets, factsheets) should be developed/sourced for use during the training programme.

c. Provide follow-up technical support in the implementation of the action plans.  The consultants will establish ongoing regular scheduled reviews (virtually) with participating companies to assess progress of implementation of the Actions Plans.  These reviews will assess progress, identify constraints and provide recommendations to resolve the identified constraints. Consultants should also be available for ad hoc advice should the need arise.

d. Assess the level of implementation.  A formal evaluation of the level of implementation of the actions plans should be undertaken to assess the general progress. Where necessary assistance should be provided to resolve bottlenecks and if needed, conduct further training in the specific areas.

e. Design and implement a Monitoring and Evaluation System for the Action. For each of the participating companies, assessments should be conducted on (but not limited to), the usefulness of the training provided, the knowledge and skill acquired, and attainment of objectives set out in Action Plans.  Factors impacting the sustainability of the action should also be identified and recommendations made on future actions towards implementation of FSM system.



1. Proposals must be written in Standard English and consist of a technical proposal and a financial proposal.

2. The Technical Proposal should provide the following information:

  • A description of the firm’s/company’s/consortium experience on comparable assignments
  • At least three client references, with information regarding similar services must be provided along with contact information (name, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses).
  • A detailed description of work plan/schedule for performing the assignment
  • Recent CVs of principal/key staff members
  • A detailed description of the proposed methodology. 

3. The Financial Proposal should list all costs associated with the assignment. It would be helpful if these costs are broken down by activity.

4. In the case of a Firm/Company, proof of legal status must be submitted: 

  1. Articles of incorporation

5. The following contact information must be provided:

  1. Legal Name of Company/Individual(s)
  2. Company’s Authorised Representative(s) (Name/Title) ( in the case of a Firm)
  3. Full address
  4. Telephone and Fax numbers
  5. Skype Address
  6. Email address
  7. Website
  8. Number of technical persons in the company

6. The cost of preparing and submitting the proposal is not reimbursable as a direct cost of the assignment.

7. IICA is not bound to accept any of the proposals submitted.

8. IICA’s policy requires that respondents provide professional, objective, impartial advice and at all times, hold IICA’s interests paramount without any consideration for future work, and strictly avoid conflicts with other assignments or their own corporate interests. Respondents shall not be hired for any assignment that would be in conflict with their prior or current obligations to other clients, or that may place them in a position of not being able to carry out the assignment in the best interest of IICA.



1. Proposals shall be evaluated taking into consideration the requirements as listed below, but not limited to:

  1. The firm/company/consortium’s proven expertise in Food Safety Management, in particular in the spirits sector.
  2. General experience and understanding of the food safety systems in CARIFORUM countries and in particular the needs and constraints of small and medium sized companies.
  3. The firm/company/consortium’s approach and methodology for implementing the project.}

The completed proposal must be submitted to: Representative; by end of business March 11, 2016 at 4:00 PM Eastern Caribbean Time to the IICA Delegation at the address below. Proposals submitted after this date will not be evaluated.


Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)

3rd Floor, Baobab Tower

Warrens, St. Michael

BB22026, Barbados

Telephone: (246) 271-9210/11/12

Fax:(246) 271-9213.

Proposals are to be submitted in separate envelopes containing, respectively: a) the technical bid; b) the financial bid; and c) the legal documents (only applicable for Firms/Companies). All envelopes must be sealed and bear the name of the Firm/Company/Consortium Leader, Title and Number of EOI and the contents of the envelope.


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