Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura


Candidature of Mrs. Josefina Stubbs to the Presidency of IFAD


Candidature of Mrs. Josefina Stubbs to the Presidency of IFAD

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

IICA’s delegation in Canada welcomed the opportunity to meet with Josefina Stubbs, one of the candidates for President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).  The IFAD is a specialized agency of the United Nations dedicated to eradicating rural poverty in developing countries.  Given its shared mandate with IICA, IFAD has participated in a number of joint efforts with IICA to support agriculture and rural communities.

From left to right: Dr. Audia Barnett, IICA Representative in Canada; Ms. Josefina Stubbs, Candidate to IFAD’s Presidency from the Dominican Republic; Ms. Trudy Werry, Technical and Performance Coordinator at IICA Canada and Mr. Renso Herrera, Trade and Business Advisor, Embassy of the Dominican Republic for Canada.
Photo credit: Wendy Goico Campagna

Ottawa, ON. Ms. Stubbs is currently the Associate Vice-President of IFAD’s Strategy and Knowledge Department.  In this role, she led the development of the IFAD Strategy 2016-2025.  She is well connected with IICA and quite familiar with its role in the Americas, as previously, she was IFAD’s Regional Director of Latin America and the Caribbean.  

Dr. Audia Barnett, IICA’s representative in Canada, commented that “Josefina’s executive profile is certainly impressive”.  The Governing Council of IFAD will hold an election of the President at its upcoming annual meeting on 14-15 February 2017. The elected President will take office on 1 April 2017.  With 35 years’ experience providing services to poor rural people and their governments, Ms. Stubbs wealth of experience certainly bolsters her candidacy.  

Ms. Stubbs’ support for partnerships, stating that “they are key for successful rural transformations” closely aligns with IICA’s strategic priorities.  Her in-depth knowledge of the Americas and her vision for IFAD will serve her well in her bid for presidency.  

For more information: Audia Barnett (



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