Berlín, 9 de febrero de 2023 (IICA). El objetivo principal de la misión fue participar con nuestros socios en la Alianza Global contra TR4 y demostrar el importante trabajo de la Alianza. Este panel estuvo con IICA, Bayer, y representantes de Fyffes y Wageningen. La amenaza para el sector bananero fue articulada por todos, así como la necesidad de ganar tiempo hasta que se encontrara una solución tecnológica a TR4 a través del control o la genética. Nuestros socios en Bayer y la Alianza estaban satisfechos con el resultado y fueron activos en la comunicación sobre el panel, la alianza y la urgencia de este problema.
Alianza Global Contra el R4T
Panelistas invitados:
Mr. Lloyd Day, Deputy Director G. IICA
Mr. Frank Terhorst, EVP Strategy & Sustainability, BAYER
Mr. Gert Kema, Head of the Lab. for Phytopathology, Wageningen U. & Research
Mrs. Caoimhe Buckley, Chief Corporate Affairs Officer, Fyffes
Food Chain Talk “Collaborating for a holistic and sustainable banana sector: perspectives from a multi-stakeholder global alliance”
Berlin, February 9, 2023 (IICA). The main objective of this trip was to participate with our partners in the Global Alliance against TR4 and demonstrate the important work of the Alliance. This panel included IICA, Bayer, and representatives of Fyffes and Wageningen. The threat to the banana sector was articulated by all, as is the need to buy time until a technological solution to TR4 was found through control or genetics. Our partners at Bayer and the Alliance were pleased with the outcome and were active in communicating about the panel, the alliance and the urgency of this issue.
Global Alliance Against TR4
Guest Panelist:
Mr. Lloyd Day, Deputy Director G. IICA
Mr. Frank Terhorst, EVP Strategy & Sustainability, BAYER
Mr. Gert Kema, Head of the Lab. for Phytopathology, Wageningen U. & Research
Mrs. Caoimhe Buckley, Chief Corporate Affairs Officer, Fyffes