Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura

Agricultura Agronegocios Cadenas agrícolas Mercados agropecuarios Seguridad alimentaria y nutricional

Dominican Republic celebrates the Mango Expo 2019

Agricultura Agronegocios Cadenas agrícolas Mercados agropecuarios Seguridad alimentaria y nutricional

Dominican Republic celebrates the Mango Expo 2019

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

The fair, in its fifteenth anniversary, was dedicated to Mr. Antonio Tavera, a pioneer in the export of Mango to the US. UU

Peravia, Baní, June 2019 (IICA). As is customary since 2005 in June, the Dominican Mango Cluster (PROMANGO), the Ministry of Agriculture and the Mayor of Peravia province presented the Expo Mango 2019, this time with the Republic of Korea as guest country.

At the Expo Mango 2019 Fair, held from June 13 to 19, the public was able to see and taste different varieties of mangoes produced in the Dominican Republic, as well as more than 100 products made based on the Dominican mango. In the celebration of the fair, magisterial conferences of national and international experts were held with topics related to post-harvest treatments and import of mangoes.

In addition, within the framework of the fair, the Hydrothermal Treatment Plant was inaugurated in the city of Matanzas, Baní, which has the certification of the Department of Agriculture of the United States of America (USDA) for the treatment of mangoes to be exported to the United States. Mr. Osmar Benítez, Minister of Agriculture, indicated that the plant has the capacity to process 16 thousand kilograms per hour of Mango, 6 thousand of which will go to the North American and European markets and other destinations.

More Information: Gaudy Suzaña, Specialist in Agricultural Health and Food Safety,


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