Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura


Dominican Republic hosted the XXIX Meeting of Directors of International Cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean


Dominican Republic hosted the XXIX Meeting of Directors of International Cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

Directors of Technical Cooperation from Latin America and the Caribbean countries gathered from December 6 to 7 in Santo Domingo

Frank Lam, Representative in the Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, December 2018 (IICA).  The Meeting of Directors of International Cooperation of Latin America and the Caribbean has been organized annually within the framework of the Economic System of Latin America and the Caribbean (SELA) since 1987, as a meeting place for directors and cooperation agencies of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, for the exchange of ideas, experiences and best practices on different important issues of the cooperation and development aid agenda, from a Latin American and Caribbean perspective.

During the event, the support of the Group of 77, through the Pérez Guerrero Trust Fund (FFPG), was given to the Permanent Secretariat to support these meetings and urged it to continue providing such valuable support to further promote the analysis of topics of high priority of the agenda of international cooperation and South-South cooperation from the Latin American and Caribbean perspective. For 2018, the XXIX Meeting of Directors of International Cooperation analyzed the topic “Cooperation in connectivity in the commercial field in Latin America and the Caribbean: Towards a greater insertion of value chains”.

The objectives of the Regional Meeting were the following: 1. To identify the main opportunities and challenges of international cooperation, triangular and South-South cooperation in strengthening the commercial infrastructure that facilitates greater participation of the region in the Global Value Chains; 2. To generate a space of synergy for the exchange of successful experiences and good practices in the management of commercial infrastructure aimed at reducing costs and time in the logistics of foreign trade; 3. To present the advances in the management of the commercial infrastructure through the evaluation of the execution status of the physical works and the use of information and communication technologies for the modernization of the logistics processes

The IICA Delegation in the Dominican Republic was invited to share its experiences and lessons learned in the technical cooperation within the Discussion Panel: Leveraging the cooperation agenda for regional development: infrastructure and new opportunities.


More information: Frank Lam, Representative in the Dominican Republic,


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