The experts meeting was composed of representatives of the Ministries of Agriculture of the SICA region and other topic-related organizations
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, June 2018 (IICA). The meeting of experts of the Community of Practice on agricultural insurance was held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, on June 05-06, 2018. During the event, the participants analyzed this important topic from an integral risk management perspective. The participants also shared experiences and the progress achieved on the topic, as well as analyzed the challenges that persist in the region.
The Community of Practice is comprised by the Climate Change Technical Group of the Central American Agricultural Council (CAC), representatives of institutions linked to agricultural insurance in the SICA countries, as well as regional organizations that promote the development of this issue in the region, as well as representatives of the meteorological services of the countries involved.
The inaugural event was attended by Mr. Winston Marte, Viceminister of Planning of the Ministry of Agriculture, Mr. Frank Lam, IICA Representative in the Dominican Republic, among other personalities, who highlighted the relevance of the event, and the topic in particular, emphasizing the importance of strengthening capacities and the creation of alliances to continue developing agricultural insurance and comprehensive risk management in the region.
During the working days, the participants addressed issues such as the current status of the conditions for the development and strengthening of agricultural insurance among SICA countries, the current situation of the parametric agricultural insurance, as well as the regulatory and institutional framework of agricultural insurance, and the development of agro-climatic tables in the context of agricultural insurance. These topics were addressed through presentations about experiences and lessons learned in the implementation of agricultural insurance in Central America and the Dominican Republic.
The agenda also included a session about agrometeorology, where participants discussed the importance of this field as a substantial instrument to strengthen the development of agricultural insurance in the SICA region and to address the links between agriculture and climate change for decision making.
This event was organized by the Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC), the Executive Secretariat of the CAC, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Dominican Republic, which held the pro tempore presidency of the CAC, and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA).
More information: Gina Rosario, Specialist in Natural Resources, Agriculture and Climate Change,