«We will continue to strengthen our support with this very strategic sector in the agricultural and rural sector of the Dominican Republic» said Mr. Frank Lam, IICA Representative in the country

Santo Domingo, Rep. Dom., November 2018 (IICA). The active participation of the IICA Office in the Dominican Republic in support of institutional strengthening was reflected once again with the Institute’s technical presence during the First Latin American and Caribbean Congress of Family Farming, held from November 12 to 15 in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. This congress was sponsored and led by the Office of the Vice President of the Dominican Republic with whom IICA is expected to initiate a technical cooperation agenda in Family Farming issues.

shares the main hemispheric results in
Family Farmong
In this event, the IICA international specialist Kurt Manrique shared with the authorities and participants in the event the main activities and achievements made by IICA at a hemispheric level in Family Farming, as well as the various publications that reflect the work that has been done in the Member States from public policy advice to direct technical assistance in rural territories.
As an illustration of the work done by IICA in these topics, Ms. Patrocinia Coc Caal participated in this congress and presented her testimony of the support she has received from the IICA Guatemala Office to improve the living conditions of her community through the adoption of agricultural practices for Family Farming promoted by the Institute together with other partners in Guatemala.
More information: Frank Lam, IICA Representative in the Dominican Republic, frank.lam@iica.int